The Transgender Genocide: Left’s Vile Face

Jordan Peterson with journalist Michael Shellenberger exposing just one of the vile left’s vicious multipronged attack on modern western societies.

The medical practitioners who profit from the destruction of children and adolescents are firmly ensconced in leftist ideology. The ultimate result is genocide.

We’re gonna need a lot more guillotines.

Where Should You Raise Your Dangerous Child?

Travel Risk Map for Health and Security by Nation

If you are planning to relocate to a nation with greater degrees of safety, freedom, or opportunity, you may wish to do some research before you make a move that might be difficult to reverse.

Freedom House Freedom in the World Index via statista

The governments of the purple nations on the map above maintain the prerogative to jail and punish any persons within their national borders at any time. Yellow nations are loosely bound by constitutions, laws, and courts of a rather flexible nature. Green nations have firmer constitutional and legal protections of individual rights under rule of law.

Intentional Homicide Rate by Country

One aspect of personal safety is the national and regional rate of criminality and violent crime. Intentional homicide rates are a proxy measure of violent crime. Violent crime can be highly regional within a nation, down to the neighborhood level. In the US, for example, 2% of counties account for over 50% of murders. Over 50% of US counties have no murders per year, and over 70% of US counties have no more than 1 murder per year.

World Poverty by Nation (comparison by median incomes)

The map above is an estimate of national prosperity by median income levels. It is possible to live quite well in a low-income nation if you are receiving an income from a more prosperous economy, such as pension payments from a first-world country. Or if you interact commercially with the advanced economies, you can live quite well in comparison to the average resident.

If you have secure wealth and a secure income located in a secure location, you can relocate almost anywhere — including Switzerland. The needs of a Dangerous Child in terms of monetary wealth, are modest. Superb training of the mind, body, and spirit can be accomplished at surprisingly low expense. Developing wisdom from first and second-hand experience is the most time-consuming thing.

The human forebrain does not fully mature and myelinate until between 25 and 30 years of age. Development of the prefrontal lobes is critical to independent thinking, resistant to malevolent outside forces. That is why modern social media — such as TikTok — is fatally dangerous to the minds of teens and pre-teens. They are simply not ready.

Dangerous Child training builds the strength and resilience of a child’s body, mind, and emotions while it helps develop the critical skills of flexible thought and the elements of competent action. This kind of training can take place almost anywhere that is secure from malicious and malevolent outside influence.

The maps above are just a start for visualizing possible locations beyond your current country, where you may be able to carry out your life as you see fit.

Corrupt and tyrannical countries such as China — or criminal countries such as Russia — may appeal to some independent-minded persons as alternatives to the DIE-Woke / Climate hysteria that has overtaken most of the advanced world. But such appeal is false, and when you wake up from that trance it may be too late to reverse your course. Pity the children whose parents take them into that trap.

Much better to go somewhere like rural India, Mongolia, or Greenland, if want to escape the current ideological trap enmeshing the western world. Try to avoid any country that is indebted to China or Russia, or somehow allied to those countries.

The world needs more Dangerous Children. Just be sure they have reached the rites of passage needed to apply the levels of independent planning and execution for the places they will go.

Jordan Peterson Interviews Abigail Shrier

Abigail Shrier is one of a new breed of journalist — the independent journalist who is not afraid to investigate and report on topics from a point of view that is not politically correct, but is instead quite rational.

She is the author of the important book “Irreversible Damage” exposing the dark underbelly of the transgender movement. More recently, she published her book “Bad Therapy, Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up“. The recent book is about what the mental health/educational/governmental complex is doing to prevent children from growing up and assuming responsibility.

It is a damned shame what they are doing to the kids, under full governmental authority. Watch the video above and see what you think.

What would a Dangerous Child say about all of this? He would say: “Don’t send your kids to the brainwashing mills they call government schools ( or other mass market child processing centers). Take a proactive approach to making sure your kids are prepared for what the vulture governments are planning for their futures.

Your governments can flood your countries with untrained, uneducated persons who will probably never be able to maintain the complex infrastructures that your societies are accustomed to. And they are doing just that.

But Dangerous Children who are networked into islands of competence, which are themselves networked together to form parallel networks of information, technology, and material exchange, can help to mitigate the dark future that is planned by many of your governments.

In the meantime, we had all best compile lists of people who are sounding the alarm in detailed fashion. People such as Jordan Peterson and Abigail Shrier. Take what they say, and build an action plan for the things that you will need to do for your own sakes and for the sakes of your children and loved ones.