Teaching Children to Hunt

Hunting is About Far More than Killing Game Animals

Hunting teaches children lessons that would probably not otherwise be learned for decades — if ever. While hunting, children are exposed to real world realities of predators and prey, planning and self discipline, and human to human teamwork.

Not every child will have the temperament to kill game animals. But they can learn most of the lessons of the hunt from observing and learning the painstaking preparations and hunting/stalking techniques which good hunters utilise.


Here is a short list of benefits from teaching children to hunt, for both family and child:

  1. One of the best things about teaching your child to hunt is the bonding time it gives the two of you. In today’s world where parents and children are often going in two different directions and have little time together, hunting gives you something to do together that can leave lasting memories.
  2. You taking your son or daughter into the woods with you carries on that family tradition, as you teach them the same skills that were taught to you, your parents or your grandparents.
  3. Teach them about harvesting only what they need and the balance of taking and giving. Explain the role of hunters in conservation and what we can do to ensure land and animals will still be available for their children when the time comes.
  4. By taking them hunting and getting them involved, you’ll not only be teaching them skills and sport, but you’ll help keep hunting alive.
  5. In a world where everything moves so fast and needs to be done so quickly, teaching your child to hunt can help them connect to the outdoors and teach them to slow down and enjoy simple moments in nature.
  6. By taking your children with you hunting, you can help promote a physically fit lifestyle and show them alternatives to simply hitting the gym.
  7. From discipline, to patience, to endurance, to learning to deal with disappointment, hunting helps develop skills in your children that will turn them into well-rounded adults.
  8. By teaching them proper hunting skills and sportsmen etiquette, you’ll be teaching them responsibility that can spread into other aspects of their lives.
  9. Watching the glee and excitement on your child’s face, knowing the work, patience and skill that all had to come together for that moment [first successful hunt] is priceless.
  10. Without proper knowledge, people panic and react quickly with a gun in their hand, not knowing what to do. By teaching your children to hunt, you’ll be teaching them skills that will teach them to respect guns, not fear them.


Children learn much more than is printed on the above list, simply by spending time in the safe company of parents and mentors, in the wild. But much of what children learn is nonverbal. Building strength of character under a range of challenges, is one of many nonverbal skills that pays large dividends later in life.

My daughter has been going with me since she was 7. Just this past deer season, she took her first deer. Up until then she just went and sat with me, and we would talk about everything under the moon. Teaching her about the outdoors and the importance of hunting are and were very special times, and the memories will last a lifetime. Just her being there with me was satisfying, but when she said she actually wanted to hunt, that took it to a whole new level of enjoyment. __ How to Teach Kids Hunting

Not Every Child is Cut Out for Hunting

Respect for the Wild and Wildlife is Crucial for a Budding Hunter

Nature is neither cruel nor benign. It simply is, and it doesn’t care what we think about it.

If your boy shouts, “Wow, I killed him!” or something like that, there is nothing wrong with him–he is just a boy. But he should understand that what he just killed wanted to live as badly as he does, and that he should feel sorrow as well as triumph. Other children will not relish death. If they kill, they will likely be saddened by it. This is natural too. Some youngsters are horrified by death and by the prospect of causing it. They are not meant to be hunters.

Make it clear to your kids that if they are not willing to give their all to becoming competent with gun or bow, they have no business afield. Explain to them also that if they hunt enough, they are eventually going to wound something, and it is going to escape to suffer. It may take two seasons for this to happen, or 50, but it is going to happen. All they can do is work at becoming as skilled as possible and hope it doesn’t. __ Teaching Your Child to Kill

Learning the Skills Without Killing

Just as a master fisherman can practise “catch and release” methods without killing the fish, so can skilled hunters be satisfied with nothing more than great wildlife photos taken inside the natural range of his chosen prey. In the same manner, very skilled birders must learn all the skills of a good hunter to catch his most elusive prey on film or video.

Dangerous Children will need to learn to kill as part of their training. If the child can not actually bring himself to make the kill, he will have chosen a different branch in the road of Dangerous Child training — which will probably involve less training in the violent arts than most DCs obtain.

Here is another list of benefits to youth learning to hunt:

Self-reliance: When children know how to hunt, they’ll always have a way to feed themselves, even if the unthinkable happens. They will not be stuck, relying on others to obtain food.
Food cycle: When kids learn to hunt, they gain an understanding of the food cycle. Without hunting, many children never connect the meat on their dinner plate to a living, breathing animal.
Love of the outdoors: If hunting does anything for a child, it instills a love of outdoors and a wonder at the majesty of nature. It teaches them to respect and appreciate the woods, water, and fields.
Rite of passage: For many hunting families, learning to hunt is a rite of passage. It may be the first time a child’s allowed at hunting camp during rifle season or that he has his own hunting gear. It’s an easy way to show a child you recognize he’s growing up and ready for more responsibility.
Cost savings: Although there’s a start-up cost and a yearly license fee, eating meat you harvest through hunting is an affordable way to eat healthier and save money.
Bonding: When you’re teaching children to hunt, it’s more about being together than hunting. You’re building memories, enjoying days spent together, and having experiences that can’t be found within city limits.
Health benefits: Hunting gets you outdoors and spending time in nature does great things for both your body and mind. It’s known to reduce stress, decrease blood pressure, and lead to more mindfulness.
Fitness and exercise: While you don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to enjoy hunting, you do have to be relatively physically fit. You have to walk distances, climb through brush and up mountains, and drag large game with nothing but a rope. Getting children involved in hunting shows them the importance of staying fit and creates a fun way to exercise.
Food safety: When it comes to what’s in commercial meat, it’s scary. Artificial preservatives, hormones, and antibiotics just top the list. But when children provide themselves with meat from a hunting harvest, they’re getting nothing but naturally fed meat.
Life skills: Hunting is more than sport; it’s a lesson in life. It helps youth develop character strengths such as discipline, patience, confidence, and endurance. It also teaches children how to deal with disappointment and move on to try again.
Unplugged: In this high-tech world, children are constantly plugged in. At school, they read on tablets. At home, it’s virtual reality games, and at the mall, it’s smart phones and iPods. Hunting gives children an escape from electronics and having to be in the know every minute of every day. It allows kids to unplug and just be.

__ http://ammo.com/articles/parents-guide-to-youth-hunting

Hunting is Good Training in Situational Awareness

The art of stalking and making a kill requires a heightened awareness of yourself and the environment around you. A hunter that is unaware of his surrounding may end up being the prey of a more deadly predator than himself. Or he may suffer a serious accident that was completely unnecessary.

‘Are we getting dumber or are the deer getting smarter?’

As the child grows older, he learns that the world holds a lot more dangers than he might have been told about as a child. Recent vicious attacks by leftists against peaceful political rallies and public speakers reveals a hidden hostility and violence that dwells covertly inside persons of all societies and all classes. Journalists within the news and entertainment medias are beginning to display much of this previously hidden viciousness when pushed out of their ideological comfort zones.

It is not enough these days to simply avoid known danger zones and “no-go” areas. Trouble can follow you to your own front door, and beyond. Situational awareness, mastery of hunting skills, and physical fitness combined with quick reaction training are indispensible.

Combat Flow Training: Relaxing into Dynamic Linked Chaos

Staying Alive is a Dynamic, Chaotic Affair: You Must Learn to Flow With the Go

Get Out of the Box!

Just as Neo needed to understand that there is no spoon in the film The Matrix, you need to realize that there is no box to step outside of. Once you start with a box you have already created something in your mind that limits your creativity because the box doesnt really exist…

the fight is what it is; it is less about what you want to do versus what you have to do. As we always say to students, “as long as it is within the laws of physics and human physiology don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can’t do.”

from the basic principles one is able to develop a multitude of responses and you are not limited by them but eventually you begin to learn to manipulate them at will. From there, you are, for the most part, only limited by your imagination because there is no box. __ 188 Contact Flow vs. Combat Flow

Developing an instinctive and effective approach to personal combat is only one part of an integrated survival system. But if you do not pass the test of face to face survival when you or your family are attacked, you will not be able to proceed to the other aspects of the survival continuum. To make the best use of your training time, strip the process to the basics, then go crazy (in a figurative sense).

Some essential aspects of defence and survival:

• PHYSICAL Self-defense, weaponry
• EMOTIONAL Mindset, coping tools
• FINANCIAL Investments, holdings, barter
MEDICAL Self-help, first aid, food, water

__ http://attackproof.com/survival.html

Notice that self-defence and weaponry are only the tip of the iceberg. Yes, they are the penetrating tip, the sharp point and edge. But they are only the beginning. Developing the underlying foundation is crucial for motivation, focus, persistence, and impulse control.

Combat flow exercises are designed to train your subconscious reactions, so that you will not have to take the time to think about what you must do to stay alive.

Take what works and drop the tinsel wrapping. You do not have the time to waste on empty ritual or tradition which has nothing to do with the fight at hand. Aikido, for example, is an excellent training method to develop the mind and body for many forms of dynamic combat. But focus on what works, and drop the ritual.

Survival is something that often takes place up close and personal. It is important to get out of the mental straitjacket that unrealistic television and movie portrayals have wrapped around your brain.

Close quarters shooting and self-defence:

Videos are Not Training; Training is Not Fighting

Unless you are in possession of “Matrix-class” virtual reality, you need to partner with other persons to train.

Movement flow exercises for fitness and pre-combat conditioning

Basic philosophy, applications, drills of flowing combat:

You can fast forward to the training exercises roughly 20 minutes in. Learning to close with the opponent is a key aspect of surviving an inevitable attack.

These exercises are very basic and introductory. The purpose is to develop the right instincts in training, so that in case of a fight you will react effectively, instantly. All videos presented here are mere introductions, meant to suggest different approaches to training you may choose to take.

Importantly, avoiding and evading violent conflict is almost always your best bet — particularly when innocents and loved ones are in the vicinity — and it is possible to move them out of danger.

A well-trained, mentally prepared person’s competence shows in his confident bearing and demeanour. Such a person will be seen as a “hard target” by predators. Persons who project fear, on the other hand, will attract conflict and attack. Likewise, persons who behave in an arrogant and antagonistic manner are magnets for violent and unbalanced persons.

A Call for Self-Reliance Against Violent Criminals

The obvious way to eradicate crime is to eradicate criminals, but neither the lawgivers nor the constabulary seem inclined to do this. The man who elects to prey upon society deserves no consideration from society. If he survives his act of violence, he rates a fair trial—but only to be sure that there has been no mistake about his identity. If he is killed in the act, there can be little doubt about whose act it was.

… Let the thug take his chances with an alert, prepared, and angry citizenry. It may very well spoil his whole career.

This is not a call for vigilantism: It is a call for self-reliance. For those who feel short on self-reliance, I have a suggestion. Take up practical pistol shooting as a recreation. It is a good game. It is fun. It is “relevant.” And it does wonders for your self-reliance. __ Jeff Cooper

Gun range training is crucial for becoming familiar with your weapons, and how they perform. But in a real world close-quarters ambush, you need much more . . .

Don't Fail This Test Close Combat Shooting
Don’t Fail This Test
Close Combat Shooting

When Seconds Count, Help is At Least Minutes Away

The threat leaps up out of the darkness. You are split-seconds from being skewered and left to bleed out, no longer any protection for your loved ones. Do you really think that years of gun range training can prepare you for this defining moment? Not even close. Even conventional “assume the stance and sight your target” approaches to close combat pistol shooting are doomed to fail, if time is short.

Prepared for Close Ambush? http://moderncombatandsurvival.com/featured/the-1-reason-your-gun-may-fail-you-in-a-close-combat-shooting/
Prepared for Close Ambush?

The threat is likely to come at close range, with little or no warning

There is no time to assume a “proper stance” and sight your target. If you have not developed the instincts for close combat, you may well be out of luck.

Instinct shooting requires the same eye, hand, and mind events as throwing a baseball or darts.[9] The shooter must devote full attention on the smallest part of the target whilst drawing the weapon to fire.[10][11] Once the weapon is at the ready, the shooter must fire immediately, to avoid losing the intense focus and missing the target.[9] This technique is most often practiced with a moving target, such as clay birds.[9] The practical use of this drill is for life or death situations, in which the gun handler must instinctively and accurately shoot the target, or die himself.[12] The shooter must almost simultaneously:

See the target
Decide to shoot
Start moving the gun to position
Focus on a small part of the target
Pull the trigger the instant the weapon reaches position __ Wikipedia Combat Pistol Shooting

How can you do all five of those things instinctively, in rapid sequence — almost simultaneously? The training has to already reside in the subconscious mind, prepared to emerge at the right moment.

More from author Chuck Klein:

If you have enough time to find and align your sights then your attacker might have enough of an interval to get a shot or two off at you. Whenever you have sufficient duration for such niceties as searching for blades and notches then you have enough time to seek cover. INSTINCT COMBAT SHOOTING is for the times when there is no time! INSTINCT COMBAT SHOOTING is not a panacea for all shooting conditions. It is a tool, the best tool, for close encounters of the heart stopping kind, both literally and figuratively. Should you find yourself in a life or death situation where gun play is imminent and the distances are close then you should know the techniques that the rest of the good guys have been doing all along. Again, this is only for close in firefights when time is of the essence. For most instances involving greater distances the old standard of priorities hasn’t changed: seek cover first then use your sights. __ http://www.chuckkleinauthor.com/Page.aspx/181/instinct-combat-shooting.html

How do you get the training into the subconscious mind so that an effective response under pressure is immediate? Not at the gun range, and probably not through most gun training programs. Reality is dirty, gritty, bloody and painful. Most of us — and even most gun trainers — fail to address the dark underlying realities of where, when, and how deadly threats are likely to come at you.

. . . look at every example of how criminals really plan to target you as a victim…

…carjackings and parking lot robberies happen right at your car door…

…bar shootings take place over a disputed wager the width of a billiards table…

…retail robberies over the distance of a small countertop…

…even home invasions are often fought in a doorway or hallway struggle!

Rapes… beatings… knife attacks… none of them occur at long distance, do they?

That means you are only going to be one or two arm-lengths away from someone who tries to attack you. __ http://closecombatshooting.com/

Take another look at the surveillance videos in this prior Al Fin Next Level article. Notice how close the shooters are to each other? Most of them had little or no time to decide how to react.

“Traditional” firearms training is a complete failure in preparing citizens to save their life!

Why do I assume that?

Because I know what I see when I’m looking down the shooting lane at every range I’ve ever been to all across our great nation…

Stall after stall of shooters who are highly skilled at getting a tight shot group at 15 yards away… but have no clue about how to “fight with a gun”!

That’s a very critical difference and it’s the missing link that separates the “gun owner” from “gun fighter”!


Reading and watching videos can only teach you how little you know and how unprepared you are for what can come at you with no warning. As mentioned before, gun range training will teach you familiarity with your weapons. But you have to go beyond, if you want to be prepared to protect yourself and innocents around you.

When training subconscious automaticity, it is best to begin at a young age — during the optimal critical window of development. But just as most people can learn to speak a foreign language, play a musical instrument, learn basic computer coding etc. in adulthood, middle age, and even later — to certain levels of skill — so can adults train their subconscious minds to react appropriately in most ambush and unannounced attack situations.

But it is hard, and becomes harder the more years a brain has become set in its ways.




As parts of the world sink into the coming anarchy, and larger parts succumb to the dysgenic Idiocracy, larger society is becoming more of a threat — and less a protection — to individuals, families, and communities.

Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. It is never too late to have a Dangerous Childhood. Well, almost never too late. Don’t wait too long.

Final Note:

Many law enforcement officers and others have been killed while fumbling for their sidearm. Do not ignore the threat that is already on top of you. As we have said before, never leave home without at least 10 lethal weapons (often “dual use” improvised weapons) in ready access. The most deadly weapon you possess is your mind. Next is your body, and how it has been trained to move, instinctively. How you dress can also make the difference between life and death. Make it part of your daily routine to train your instincts to react rapidly and appropriately. Plan your routes carefully and maintain awareness of your surroundings at all times. Avoid intoxication whenever outside a safe environment. People are depending on you.


Above article adapted from a previously published article on Al Fin Next Level

Is This Russia’s Version of The Dangerous Child Method?

In a playground outside a shabby warren of cinder-block apartments in north Moscow, children play on swings and climbing bars as Stepan Zotov instructs a squad of teens in knife-throwing nearby.

Thirteen-year-old Andrei Polivoi is aiming his knife at a foam cushion about the size and shape of a human chest that’s propped up on a metal stair landing. Four of his five throws miss and clatter noisily onto the stairs.

“Not bad for your first try — attaboy!” Zotov proclaims with an encouraging clap on the disheartened boy’s shoulder.

It’s been five years since Zotov founded Our Army, one of thousands of “military-patriotic youth organizations” answering President Vladimir Putin’s call for preparing the next generation of Russian soldiers as the Kremlin flexes its military muscle abroad.
__ http://www.latimes.com/world/great-reads/la-fg-c1-russia-patriotic-youth-20151023-story.html

President Putin has been preparing for confrontation with the west for several years — long before his impulsive invasions of Crimea and east Ukraine. His call for youth paramilitary clubs was just one part of the preparations for what he considers a likely war against the west.

Inside the apartment complex, the five other members of the club gather unsupervised in a back room to practice breaking down and reassembling an AK-47.

“One minute, 32 seconds — ha! I beat you by one second!” a triumphant Margarita Maluchenkova, an 18-year-old with crimson-tinted hair, proclaims after timing the last of her male club mates with the stopwatch on her smartphone.

Maluchenkova — decked out in a green camouflage jacket, a sailor-stripe tank top, purple leggings and suede boots with 4-inch heels — says she joined Our Army in hopes of gaining an advantage in the stiff competition to get into fighter pilot training.

__ http://www.latimes.com/world/great-reads/la-fg-c1-russia-patriotic-youth-20151023-story.html

Russia now boasts a wide range of youth clubs. Some of them resemble patriotic clubs such as the Young Pioneers which were so useful to the Soviet Regime for recruiting the elite of the KGB, the Communist Party, the military, and national sports teams.

Others remind one of an Islamist terror training camp, meant to train wielders of destruction and mayhem.

And then there are those in-between, which combine patriotic indoctrination with useful weapons training.

It is a motley group, all in all. But the one thing that unites these clubs of Russia’s young, is their love of Putin, and their deep feelings of “us against them.”

Clubs such as Our Army have been cropping up across Russia at a fevered pace amid heightened tensions with the West and with former Soviet republics that have defected from Moscow’s orbit. In just two years, the loosely aligned groups have grown to involve hundreds of thousands of Russian youths between the ages of 13 and 18, their organizers boast.

At weeknight drills and weekend field trips, the teens undergo fitness training and instruction that give them a taste of military regimen as they prepare for armed forces careers or, for 19-year-old men, their year of compulsory military service.

So how do these clubs compare with Dangerous Child groups and communities? In terms of training in weapons, military skills, and physical fitness, there is a superficial resemblance.

A crumbling stucco building stands at the edge of what used to be a paratrooper practice field, now hosting a soccer stadium and a thicket of billboards. Inside the headquarters of the 88-year-old Volunteer Society for Cooperation with the Army, Air Force and Fleet, Igor Filimonov describes the ascendant youth clubs as a revival of proud tradition.

… At the former Young Pioneers Palace in the Sparrow Hills on Moscow’s southern flank, Olga Korovatskaya schedules facilities for 80 youth groups vying for use of the gyms, soccer fields and running tracks.

The after-school training three nights a week is a sort of dues to be paid before weekend visits to a shooting range or an airfield for parachute practice.

__ http://www.latimes.com/world/great-reads/la-fg-c1-russia-patriotic-youth-20151023-story.html

And yet, we see the same weaknesses in these Russian clubs which are so transparent within Russian society, culture, and national character.

Only about 30% of Russian kids are healthy enough to actively serve in the armed forces, according to pediatricians who have studied the issue. This deficit of healthy kids begins at birth and continues through adolescence. Physical training for teens is likely to help somewhat, but it cannot erase the problems of contaminated water, air, soil, poor nutrition, and very bad lifetime habits that begin at a very young age.

Next, focusing on Putin as a national idol, and instilling an “us against them” paranoia in the young ones, is not healthy psychologically. It harkens back to the Hitler Youth phenomenon, and the militarism that penetrated 1920s and 1930s Japanese society throughout.

In addition, this refurbished “Young Pioneer” “Hitler Youth” trend fails to prepare young Russians for their likely future of economic decline — caused by their very own national idol.

There is no training in business, entrepreneurship, basic economics and trade, and in creating healthy communities and societies. None of the more productive aspects of The Dangerous Child Method would be in keeping with Russian national character under Putin. In fact, independent initiative that is conducted outside of Kremlin auspices and approval is strictly frowned upon — if not outright forbidden.

And so we see the fatal shortcomings of Putin’s intolerance of a healthy and independent private sector and civil society — which he and his crony cohorts in the Kremlin feel would be too threatening to their control over the flow of wealth in today’s Russia.

There is no cure for these — and many other — shortcomings in today’s Russia. Any change whatsoever is likely to bring about an even more fascist and totalitarian mafiacracy than currently exists.

Dangerous Children are certainly taught military teamwork skills, and undergo intensive physical training. But they are also taught how to start a new business by the age of 8. They are required to master the skills to support themselves financially by the age of 18. They are trained in local, regional, national, and international trade. They are expected to become fluent in two additional languages besides their native tongues. They are trained to form Dangerous Communities of like-minded persons, and how to internetwork with other Dangerous Communities on various geographical scales.

The training of Dangerous Children focuses on a balance of competencies of the physical, emotional, social, technological, spiritual, and community skills. Dangerous children are well educated, mostly self-taught, and capable of taking over their own education at the same time they become financially independent.

Despite all of these differences, Putin’s youth indoctrination and military training clubs do present an interesting phenomenon, which are likely to leave an indelible mark on Russia’s turbulent future.

More on Putin’s attempts to organise Russia’s youth

Why are Dangerous Children Taught to Build Their Own Weapons?

Hand Held Plasma Rifle / Railgun https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/3d-printing-used-first-real-handheld-railgun-fires-134325053.html
Hand Held Plasma Rifle / Railgun

The weapon above is a 3D printed railgun / plasma rifle capable of firing projectiles of graphite, aluminum, copper-coated tungsten, and teflon/plasma rods. You cannot buy such a weapon in stores. But you can build one, if you know how.

Using a combination of 3D printing and widely available components, the man built a functioning handheld railgun that houses six capacitors and delivers more than 3,000 kilojoules of energy per shot. What does it shoot, you might be wondering? So far he has tested the gun using metal rods made of graphite, aluminum and copper-coated tungsten, like the ones pictured below.
__ https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/3d-printing-used-first-real-handheld-railgun-fires-134325053.html

We know that 3D printed firearms are old hat, with the 3D designs available on the internet.

But firearms were build by hand long before Samuel Colt standardised their production in factories. A good metalwork shop can produce large numbers of high quality custom firearms using traditional machining techniques.

But for firearms, it is the combination of additive and subtractive manufacturing that offers the greatest versatility and utility. Now that 3D printing in metals — and multitudes of other materials — is becoming more common, the best weapons makers and designers will need to learn to work with both types of “gunsmithing.”

Yet, we know that in many situations, plasma rifles and firearms are not the appropriate weapon for either offensive or defensive operations. Knives, compound bows, compressed air weapons, crossbows, simple staffs, spears, javelins, etc. etc. can be made by hand from commonly available materials by children who are quite young.

If you look within the JD Garcia curriculum for ages 3-6, you can find the early rudimentary training for simple weapons making:

Physical Biological
Physical Theory Physical Practice Biological Theory Biological Practice
1.00 3.00 Cause and effect The lever The human body Body care
1.25 3.25 Clubs and poles Modifying trees and
Animal bodies; small
domestic animals
How to care for a pet
1.50 3.50 Different stones and their
Using stones Edible plants and their
Gathering edible plants
and mushrooms
1.75 3.75 Shaping stone Building simple stone tools Edible animals and fish Hunting and fishing
2.00 4.00 Shaping wood with stone Using stone tools to
modifu poles and clubs
Food preparation and
Cleaning and preparing
small game and fish using
bone, wood, and stone
2.25 4.25 Handling fire Use of stone and wood to
control fire, use of fire to
harden spear points
Advanced food preparation Cooking vegetables, fish,
and meat on open fires
2.50 4.50 Advanced fire handling
and control combining
wood and stone tools,
theory and design
Hafted axes and choppers
are made; stone fire
carriers, simple weaving
and knotting of vines and
Elementary tanning and
use of bone, vines, and
vegetable fiber
Skinning animals and fish,
preserving leather,
advanced cooking.
preparing vines and
vegetable fiber
2.75 4.75 The bow and fire-making Making bows and starting
Advanced food
preparation; advanced
tanning and bone work
Advanced cooking; clothes
from animal hides; use of
sinew and thongs; hunting
with dogs
3.00 5.00 The use of clay and the
bow and arrow; design of
simple rafts
Making and baking clay
pots on an open fire;
making and using simple
bows and arrows
Advanced food preparation
including drying, smoking,
& curing; health care
Cooking, drying, and
smoking with clay pots;
preparing and using
medicinal herbs and
3.25 5.25 Advanced paleolithic stone
work of knives and axes;
advanced bow making;
advanced clay work
without wheel; large rafts
Making stone tools to
make other stone tools;
making advanced bows
and arrows; bellows and
advanced pottery; building
a large raft as a group
Gathering seeds and
planting edible plants;
basic first aid
Gardening; preparing soil
and cultivation; practice of
first aid
3.50 5.50 Neolithic tools;
construction of shelters;
advanced counting; how to
make a small dugout canoe
and paddle
Construction of simple
neolithic tools; the use of
tally marks and stored
pebbles; building a small
dugout canoe and paddle
The biological need for
shelter; building of lean-tos and simple teepees;
clothes for extreme cold;
simple agriculture
Construction of lean-tos
and teepees; more
advanced gardening;
making bone needles and a
3.75 5.75 How to construct advanced
neolithic tools and work
stone and wood; more
advanced counting and
Arabic numbers to 10; how
to build a large dugout
Building advanced
neolithic tools; working
wood, simple carpentry,
building semi-permanent
structures; advanced
tallying systems; building a
large dugout canoe
How to make boots and
moccasins from leather and
plant fiber; how to know
when to plant and when to
harvest; taking care of
goats and sheep
Construction of complete
wardrobes of leather, plant,
and animal fiber; more
advanced gardening and
animal husbandry

Tool-making and weapons-making go hand in hand. This is natural, since virtually any tool can be used on the spare of the moment as an improvised weapon. Dangerous Children learn early, how to make weapons and how to improvise weapons from everyday objects.

They are not taught to build firearms, plasma rifles, railguns, explosives, etc. until they are deemed emotionally and developmentally mature enough to know how and when to use such weapons wisely and safely.

Not all Dangerous Children will learn to build weapons such as missile launchers and remotely controlled armed drones. As mentioned in an earlier posting, Dangerous Children tend to specialise, based upon their innate aptitudes, inclinations, and levels of emotional development and displayed wisdom.

For most Dangerous Children, their words and non-violent actions will have the most potent effect upon the world that they will require. That is as it should be. Only when pressed beyond reasonable alternatives will most Dangerous Children display a covert prowess in controlled violence and mayhem.

But in the end, we are all evolved from killers, else we would not be here at all. Violence — including lethal violence — will play a role in the coming expansion of an abundant human future.

Pacifists are not truly pacifists, if they are still alive. They have simply not thought the matter through yet — or have not yet been confronted by the harsh realities that await.

Terrorists vs. The Dangerous Child: On the Amsterdam-Paris Train

There was no time to plan, they said, no time even to think.

“We just kind of acted. There wasn’t much thinking going on,” Skarlatos said. “At least on my end.” __ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/as-french-train-suspect-is-interrogated-questions-mount-on-europes-security/2015/08/23/088ff2fe-4923-11e5-9f53-d1e3ddfd0cda_story.html

Muslim Terrorist on Train http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34055713
Muslim Terrorist on Train

When confronted by a face to face attack, Dangerous Children tend to confront the attack skillfully and strategically. We see a hint of this ethic in the recent Muslim terror attack on the Amsterdam – Paris train. Here is how the attack played out:

A French banker, identified as Damien A., saw [the terrorist] in a lavatory with his weapon. He grabbed at Khazzani. Khazzani ran into the rail car where passenger Mark Moogalian (an American living in France) accosted him.

Now Khazzani is targeting unarmed civilians. Blown ambush? Shouting? No problem. He has firepower. He shot Moogalian.

But other passengers had more surprises. Instead of cowering, they responded heroically. First one, U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Spencer Stone, got to Khazzani, and then a second, and then four were on him. He could not aim the weapon. In the hand-to-hand struggle, he pulled a pair of box cutters and wounded Stone. He drew a pistol. But Stone’s friends, Oregon Army National Guard Specialist Alek Skarlatos and California college student Anthony Sadler, kept battering him. British businessman Chris Norman joined the fight. They disarmed and pinned Khazzani. To emphasize his disapproval, Skarlatos used the AK’s muzzle to make repetitive metal impressions on Khazzani’s head. Did the message get through? Khazzani was a finger twitch from eternity.

The en masse quick physical assault on Khazzani was somewhat like a tactic the military calls an instantaneous counterattack on a close-in ambush. In the ambush’s kill zone, the defenders have little chance, and so they instantly turn and assault the ambushers. Penetrating the ambush positions brings the battle to the ambushers. In the resulting melee, the ambushers lose the advantage of surprise.
___ http://www.strategypage.com/on_point/20150825221115.aspx

Instead of cowering behind their seats in the face of attack, unarmed passengers began trying to subdue the heavily armed terrorist. Khazzani escaped the French banker, shot the American living in France, but was then rapidly confronted with three young Americans, and one middle-aged Englishman — all unarmed. The last four men to confront Khazzani beat him to unconsciousness, then helped tie him up to await the French authorities.

The terrorist carried an AK-47 assault rifle, with 370 rounds of ammunition. He also had a 9mm automatic, razor-sharp box cutters, and a bottle of petrol — presumably in order to burn the infidel passengers alive. If not for the rapid response by passengers, what might have happened? And what if some of the pertinent passengers had been in a different car?

“We decided to get up because the WiFi wasn’t so good on that car,” said Sadler, 23, a college student. “We were like, ‘We have a ticket to first class. We might as well go sit in first class.’ ”

About half an hour after the train pulled away from Amsterdam, they switched to the car where the shooter soon opened fire, he said.

Along with two other men, they tackled, then disarmed, a suspected Islamist militant who packed two guns, a knife and nine clips of ammunition into his rucksack.

“He seemed like he was ready to fight to the end. So were we,” said Airman 1st Class Spencer Stone, his left arm in a sling, his right eye bloodshot and watering.

The three men — friends since middle school in California — appeared together in public on Sunday for the first time since they overpowered and then tied up the shooter. Stone’s hand was heavily bandaged after an operation to reattach his thumb, which was nearly severed during the attack. All three looked exhausted and sported days-old beards.

But they displayed some of the instinctive camaraderie that on the train led them to leap from their seats in seconds to take on the shooter as a team. They finished one another’s sentences and silently communicated with each other with cocked eyebrows and tiny facial expressions.

Stone, giving his account for the first time on Sunday, said that he had simply had one idea in his mind as he sprinted to disarm the assailant: “Survival.”

He was in “the middle of a deep sleep” when he heard the initial scuffle between the shooter and the French citizen who was the first to stumble on him, he said. But then his friend, Oregon Army National Guard Spec. Alek Skarlatos, 22 and recently returned from a deployment in Afghanistan, “just hit me on the shoulder and said ‘Go,’ ” Stone said.

There was no time to plan, they said, no time even to think.

“We just kind of acted. There wasn’t much thinking going on,” Skarlatos said. “At least on my end.”

Stone said that after the suspect was tied up, he saw that another passenger had been severely wounded by a bullet during the attack and was “squirting blood” from his neck. Stone said he barely felt any of his own injuries, so he focused on saving the other victim’s life. He stuck two of his fingers into the passenger’s wound to hold an artery closed until paramedics showed up.
___ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/as-french-train-suspect-is-interrogated-questions-mount-on-europes-security/2015/08/23/088ff2fe-4923-11e5-9f53-d1e3ddfd0cda_story.html

A well-known French actor on the train — who was injured when he sounded the alarm and engaged the emergency brake — said that without the prompt action by the passengers, all of them would have been killed.

Three Passengers Who Reacted http://www.people.com/article/paris-train-attack-american-heroes-friendship
Three Passengers Who Reacted

Spencer Stone, the bareheaded young man in a sling above, is a serviceman in the US Air Force, trained as a medic. Besides being the first to effectively begin subduing the terrorist, he also saved the life of the man who was shot in the neck by the terrorist — by staunching the arterial bleeding and holding pressure on the artery until French EMTs arrived. All of that while he himself was suffering an almost severed thumb, courtesy of the terrorist’s boxcutter.

These 6 men (the French banker, the American living in France, the three young Americans pictured above, and the middle-aged Englishman) were not Dangerous Children. But they all reacted quickly to slow the terrorist down, and to eventually render him subdued and unconscious.

How would the attack have gone down had all of the 6 reacting passengers been Dangerous Children? The terrorist would have been killed by the first to react — if the French banker had also been a Dangerous Child.

In situations such as that, there is no time to think in a conscious and rational manner. Either you have the instinct to react, or you do not. If you have the instinct to react — and also have the training to quickly kill someone who is attacking your loved ones or other innocents — you will simply kill them, without thinking.

Most western children have been sheltered from every conceivable and inconceivable danger their entire lives. They are unable to recognise a deadly hazard, and would in fact remain in denial for the few fatal seconds in which they might have reacted effectively.

Those with military training will show better instincts, especially if they have been in recent combat. But those who develop the instincts of rapid and effective reaction against threats while in their childhood and youth will have an advantage, in the quick reaction stage.

It is easy to focus on the aspects of multiple skills and broad competencies when discussing Dangerous Children. The ability to operate planes, boats, heavy machinery, hazardous power tools, weapons, and all types of dangerous devices . . . The ability to make one’s way financially at age 18 at least 3 different ways . . . But it is the mental training of the Dangerous Child, his ability make and execute complex plans, the skill and speed with which he reacts to threats, the resourcefulness with which he can quickly move to meet dire challenge in times of adversity, that is at the heart of the Dangerous Child training method.

You cannot lay the foundations for The Next Level if you do not survive the low-life terrorists and thugs who infest the modern world, at levels high and low.

Adjuncts to Dangerous Child Training

Ideally, parents can provide essential training through the age of 8 or 10. But every parent or community will not have all of the resources needed for broad-based skills and competency training of Dangerous Children past the ages of 10 or 12. For that reason, it is important for parents and Dangerous Children to be aware of adjunct programs and organisations that may be available to them, to round out their training.

Vocational and apprenticeship training for the homeschooled

Broad-Based Competencies

Boy Scouts of America Merit Badges
This list of merit badges offers an idea of the range of skills training available through the American Boy Scouts, and other similar organisations.

Teens – Civil Air Patrol
Learn to fly, learn about aviation and aerospace, outdoors skills, get in shape, be introduced to a whole new world in the sky.

US Naval Sea Cadet Programs
Learn basic seamanship, leadership, and if you persist — be exposed to the rigours of a military training program.

Young Marines
Self discipline, leadership, team building, plus a range of skills and knowledge

“…capacity for life-long learning, communication, responsibility for actions and choices, good citizenship, respectful treatment of others, and critical thinking techniques” . . . a multi-year training during high school years.

Wilderness Leadership

A wide range of outdoor wilderness training skills up to guide and expedition leader level

Similar to NOLS for college level +

Youth Firearms Training

4-H Kids ‘n’ Guns

National Shooting Sports Foundation Programs & Events

Front Sight Children & Youth Programs

Combat Training for Youth

Against Bullies

Warrior Kids by Tim Tipene
Self-defence and anti-bully training, plus peaceful avoidance of violence where possible.



Construction Careers for Kids
Almost 3 dozen links

Remember: The most important core training for the Dangerous Child takes place between conception and age 7. The transition years between age 8 and ages 10-12 are also important for training basic competence-based confidence.

For it is around the ages 10-12 that the Dangerous Child begins to add dangerous skills to his now-innate skills of self-teaching, self-discipline, and self-directedness.

Few parents, family members, and close friends and associates possess mastery of skills ranging from flying to global navigation to advanced seamanship to steel/concrete construction to welding to hunting/fishing to masterful cooking to basic homesteading to combat, escape and evasion, scuba diving, and a broad range of vocational, professional, and wilderness skills.

Given the wide range of skills mastery required, Dangerous Children often need to undergo multiple apprenticeships, vocational trainings, advanced workshops, and other hands-on training — in addition to his free-range self-directed learning and multi-dimensional planning.

It is not difficult for a Dangerous Child to master at least 3 different means of supporting himself financially by age 18. What is difficult is to keep the DC on track after he discovers how much fun it is to spend his own money on Dangerous Activities.

DCs have lifetimes of learning ahead of them. There is plenty of time for fun and play. But the deeply serious reasons why DCs are needed in the first place must always be kept in mind. No one stops learning.

Children and Firearms

Firearms are dangerous. There are roughly 3,000 deaths a year in the US from firearms for children and youth between birth and the age of 19. Most “child” homicides are among youth between 15 and 19. Next are suicides among youth between 15 and 19. There are only a relative few accidental firearms deaths in children in the US every year, around 200. And those could be prevented.

Where does most gun violence occur?

“… high rates of poverty, illicit drug trafficking and substance use all increase the risk of becoming involved in gun violence. In addition, “criminals often engage in violence as a means to acquire money, goods or other rewards.” … law-breaking criminals are the ones most responsible for gun violence, not law-abiding citizens…

… “Unintentional firearm-related deaths have steadily declined during the past century.” Accidental deaths resulting from firearms accounted for less than one percent of all unintentional fatalities in 2010.

when guns are used in self-defense the victims consistently have lower injury rates than those who are unarmed, even compared with those who used other forms of self-defense. __ Guns.com from a CDC study

All Dangerous Children develop mastery in firearms safety, maintenance, and use. But not all children will become Dangerous Children. How should parents of ordinary children approach the issue of “children and firearms?”

For young children, below the age of 7 or 8, the firearms avoidance method taught by the Eddie Eagle program of the US National Rifle Association is reasonable: Eddie and his friends teach children that if they ever come across a gun in an unsupervised situation, they need to STOP! Don’t touch. Run away. Tell a grown-up.

Eddie Eagle video

This simple approach teaches the child to be wary of firearms, to stay away from them, and to notify an adult if they see a firearm within reach. Safety training becomes more difficult if the child has been exposed to a lot of firearm violence on cartoons, television shows, movies, and video games. This is particularly true for younger children, for children with lower IQs, and for those with poor executive function.
Parents must be strict with themselves about the safe storage of firearms and ammunition (PDF). The safest firearm is one that is unloaded and stored safely out of the reach of everyone but authorised users. Ammunition should be stored in a safe and separate location.

Child Skills Training at Frontsight https://www.frontsight.com/courses/child-self-defense-training.asp
Child Skills Training at Frontsight

Famed firearms training institute Frontsight offers many training programs for youth and adults. Programs offered for children provide training in wall climbing, rope work, unarmed self defence, and firearms training. Think of it as a very expensive introduction to limited aspects of Dangerous Child training. 😉

Frequently, police or sheriff’s departments will provide firearms safety training for youth. The NRA offers several youth programs for firearms safety and training.Crickett Firearms safety resources

Laws restricting availability of firearms to the public do not appear to reduce rates of firearms violence. It is possible that a “waiting period” before purchasing handguns may slightly reduce rates of suicide by firearms, in some jurisdictions.

How was Al Fin trained? When Al Fin was 10, his father would take him out in the open range to set up targets for practise with a .22 calibre rifle, progressing from there. The training was strict and thorough, and no loaded weapons crossed the threshold into the home, after shooting sessions. No weapons — loaded or unloaded — were ever pointed toward another person. Safety on and finger off the trigger, until ready to fire. etc etc etc.

In the Dangerous Child Method, children are first trained with air rifles. When the child demonstrates proficiency and responsibility with air rifles, they can progress to low calibre firearms. Progression to larger rifles and handguns is not recommended until the youth has demonstrated years of proficiency with smaller weapons of lesser recoil — and has had a chance to grow more padding and stronger bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons.

Children under the age of 8 do not have well-developed executive functions, and children below the age of 16 are still undergoing significant brain development in regions involved in judgement and perspective. Just as importantly, most of today’s youngsters have grown up exposed to heroes who frequently shoot bad people, and have played first-person shoot-em-up computer games to exhaustion. Unfortunately, they have absorbed a lot of bad programming before they ever get their hands on a firearm. Any instructor of child firearms safety and training must keep all of that in mind.

Some scientific studies suggest that children under the age of 7 (before executive function development) may not benefit appreciably from firearms safety training (see references). It is likely that children who do not watch television, violent films, nor play violent video games, will pick up firearms safety training more readily. Unfortunately, such studies do not usually control for important variables such as prior exposure to violence, race, neighborhood type, marital status of families, level of supervision, etc.

One child may find a loaded firearm belonging to his mother’s boyfriend, and take it over to a friend’s house to show him, for playtime. In some neighborhoods kids will frequently see gang members carrying and displaying firearms, sometimes noticing the admiring glances thrown at the homies by teenaged girls. Some of the young kids will have even witnessed shootouts between rival gangs, or drive-by shootings. And sometimes the child will use a discovered firearm to even a score on his own.

The common denominators include lack of supervision, lack of positive male role models, frequent exposure to real, play, or portrayed violence, and lax control of loaded firearms by “grownups” in their immediate environments. Throw in life-long child-level intelligence levels and poor impulse control, and you have the recipe for an early start of life-long senseless violence.

Statistics for child firearm violence include accidents, suicides, and homicides — in ages up to the age of 19. Not much can be done to keep gang-bangers away from firearms, so a portion of those statistics should be seen as a given for inner cities and other ganglands of youth. For some of the others, stricter parental and adult control over firearms and ammunition would help.

The 3,385 firearms-related deaths for age group 0-19 years breaks down to:

214 unintentional
1,078 suicides
1,990 homicides
83 for which the intent could not be determined
20 due to legal intervention

Of the total firearms-related deaths:

73 were of children under five years old
416 were children 5-14 years old
2,896 were 15-19 years old

__ U Mich. Gun Safety for Kids

The above statistics are from 1999. You are welcome to guess how many of the 15-19 year old firearms deaths were gang related.

US Child Mortality Trends http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/04/14/theres-never-been-a-safer-time-to-be-a-kid-in-america/
US Child Mortality Trends

US child mortality rates for children of all ages are trending downward — by almost half since 1990. This is true for accidental deaths, homicides, and disease. Even child “disappearances” are down. Most child disappearances are runaways, with most of the rest due to custody disputes. Roughly one in a thousand “child disappearances” are from actual kidnapping by strangers.

Firearm violence, violence against children, and violence in general tend to concentrate in particular places. You may not realise, for example, that:

Blacks are seven times as likely as people of other races to commit murder, eight times more likely to commit robbery and three times more likely to use a gun in a crime. __ Patrick Buchanan on The Color of Crime

Besides the close supervisions of firearms and ammunition in the home, the next best preventative against being injured or killed by firearms may be knowing which countries and which parts of cities to avoid.

Global Homicide Rates
Global Homicide Rates

Violence — by firearms or other means — tends to cluster in particular populations and regions. This is partly due to genetics, and partly due to culture.

Whenever you travel outside your own neighborhood, it is important to understand where and by whom violence is likely to erupt. Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. Sooner rather than later.